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Jan Tihelka
Mickiewiczová 2014
733 01 Karviná Hranice
tel.: 602 931 493
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Vzhledem ke stále se nezlepšující pandemické situaci ve světě je Světová výstava IFR (IFR World Show 2021) ve Francii zrušena. Pokud by bylo možné zorganizovat ji v jiném termínu ještě letos, IFR bude členské země informovat; prozatím je ale přesunuta na další rok.
O zrušení MS IFR IGP a IFH se zatím dle IFR neuvažuje.

Draha Mašková, delegát RKČR



Dear Rottweiler Friends, I hope that this message reaches you, your family and friends in the best of health.
That the year 2020 was in so many respects a disastrous year is an understatement and we are all hoping that 2021 will bring better times.
Unfortunately, we can only establish that the COVID-19 pandemic is still not over and in the coming months there will most probably still be insufficient vaccinations to achieve the intended group immunity and to allow for a normal and safe national and international interaction.
Numerous national and international events (shows, competitions) are prohibited and/or are being postponed or have already been permanently cancelled.
After thorough consultation with our French friends and taking all considerations into account, we regret that we are obliged to cancel the IFR World Show 2021 as well.
It is impossible for the French Rottweiler Club to organize the event, let alone with the luster and international appeal and success that the event deserves.  
Of course we considered not to cancel the show but to postpone it to a later date, but even if the French kennel club would have allowed this, the current state of affairs and the expected evolution in the pandemic and its consequences make it highly unlikely that it will be possible to organize the show even at a later date this year.   It would be  irresponsible to postpone the decision and let people book holidays and / or incur costs.
At the moment, we do NOT consider to cancel the IGP and IGP FH World Championships 2021 that are scheduled for 12-16 October 2021 in Hungary.    While it is true that in several countries all training sessions and competitions are banned or subject to restrictions, we still sincerely hope that the pandemic will be under control quickly enough to allow the event to be held and for the teams to prepare.
In the meantime: take good care of yourself and each other and I hope that we will quickly be able to meet each other and each other’s dogs again, in large numbers and the best of health.
With friendly greetings, D. Vandecasteele.



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